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Despite The Hype of Waste Segregation There Is Absolutely No Change at the Ground Level
Anand Niketan

Despite The Hype of Waste Segregation There Is Absolutely No Change at the Ground Level

It has been almost 5 months since MCD elections were done with and almost a month since swearing in of new Councilors.

But till date there is no presence of the Councillor in our area.

Absolutely no development work initiated nor any meetings held to work on improving existing facilities.

Pre-election hand folding replaced by total apathy and not taking any phone calls regarding pending works. Despite the hype of waste segregation, I see absolutely no change at the ground level.

Dhalao in Vasant Enclave is as dirty and overflowing as ever. Residents equally apathetic to waste segregation at home. Earlier there was an order to take all dry leaves and branches to A block, but now dumping leaves and tree waste in dhalaos is the norm.

Our colony roads continue to be in bad shape. Hope MCD starts taking citizens’ concerns seriously.

by Rajiv Nayan (President RWA Vasant Enclave)
