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Delhi-6 Takes Gulmohar Centre by Storm
Gulmohar Park

Delhi-6 Takes Gulmohar Centre by Storm

Ever since the day it was announced by the Gulmohar Centre that it shall hold a Delhi-6 food fest as a part of its ongoing Sunday outdoor lunches, there had been a huge excitement and anticipation but going along with it was the gloomy weather forecast which had predicted moderate rainfall. On the appointed day, the rain gods decided not to ruin the party. The ‘Halwaiis’ from old Delhi had started setting up their kitchen from 7am and were ready to cast the magic of their food by 12pm. Members started trickling in by 12.15 and then, encouraged by the favourable weather, they flooded the Gulmohar Centre.

Never ever had there been such a foot fall for an outdoor lunch as it was on this day. The courtyard, front lawn, cafe and the ground floor hall were all packed and members lined up to taste the goodies. Bedmi aloo, papdi chaat, kulhar waley cholay chawal/Palak paneer, Ram laddoo with mooli, chatni and kaanji and then to top it all, freshly made jalebi along with delicious rabri. It was as if the cuisine was nourishing the souls of the members, each and every bite seemed to bring a smile on their faces.

For the first time, food fell short, not because there wasn’t enough for the members present, but the amount of food being packed and taken home to be enjoyed later was the reason. All in all, kudos to the management of the Gulmohar Centre for a fun-filled afternoon and this is not all, I believe that many more such food fests are in store for the members where Bengali, Sindhi, Rajasthani and other cuisines will be on offer. Let’s hope for the best as members await further announcements.
