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Def Col & Anand Lok RWAs in Dengue Awareness Program
Defence Colony

Def Col & Anand Lok RWAs in Dengue Awareness Program

In the occasion of dengue day an awareness programme was organised by RWA Defence Colony in coordination with MCD health department.

RWAs of Def Col and Anand lok, Workers of Malaria department along with our councillor Anita Sandeep Baisoya participated in the programme.

An interesting insight was given by Dr Kanika Epidemiologist from the health department regarding dengue and breeding of dengue aedes mosquito.

Few points she shared were:

– Dengue mosquitos only are in the interior house in dark secluded places of the house.

U won’t find them outside

-They only affect between 9am to 6pm and not at night

– There is no medicine for dengue, Person suffering from dengue just needs to keep himself hydrated

-Outside mosquito like in parks grass or drains are not dengue mosquitoes and are only irritating mosquitoes

– Fogging is best internally than externally

– we should not let mosquitoes breed in stagnant water inside our house

Queries were put up by attending members as to when fogging would start for which Dr Kanika answered that till now NGT approval for fogging has not come

The meeting ended with a thank you note by President RWA Veena Khanna. Refreshments were served.
