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DDA Park In Pathetic Conditions
Hauz Khas & SDA

DDA Park In Pathetic Conditions

I am sharing below few pictures of the DDA park opposite NIFT. It is  a request  to Samvada Magazine  to take  it up with the concerned authorities. (1) it’s absolutely unkempt park from past few months. There is no cleaning down of the walking path. Earlier there used to be staff seen for cleaning and cutting of tress, grass and hedges. (2) It’s So unsafe because there is thick wild plants growing all around. One can see Newalas in rampant there. You never know if snakes are also there. Dog owners can not take their dog in the area for them to poo or pee, as it’s only wild grass all around. (3) BIG TREES have broken, ripped the wall also . The tree is lying like this since weeks . It’s so dangerous, it can further break down and fall on anyone. (4) One sees young boys sitting in a group using some kind of drug. No Guard are there patrolling in the park to take action against such groups. (5) Water pipe is left open folding the area . Wastage of water. (6) Unidentified big bundle is lying from so many days. You will get a glimpse of the situation in the Pictures taken by me. But I am posting this message not to be just read & see the pictures, it’s my request to our elected representatives to please seriously look into this matter. This park is visited by all age groups and all genders, it’s important to maintain it and at the same time safe for us. I know it can be said that it’s DDA so it’s not under our jurisdiction, but my question is.. as a lay resident of the colony residing near to the park I will reach out to you (AAP). We all had put this as one of our request to Somnath Bharti ji before municipal elections.

Please on behalf of XYZ BLOCK and SFS HAUZ KHAS APPARTMENT I am putting this message and sharing the pictures.
