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D-17 Gate Opened & Control Handed Over to the Pubs on Trial Basis
Defence Colony

D-17 Gate Opened & Control Handed Over to the Pubs on Trial Basis

Recently the bars operating on commercial lane between D-17 and 26 Def Col have been authorised by our RWA to control the gate at D-17 between 2200 hrs to 0200 hrs by employing guards to monitor the gate.

This step has generated a mixed response.

The bar owners’ explanation for this is that being on a designated commercial road and in case of a fire it is important that the gate is opened and manned. However, according to the security committee of the RWA closed gate reduces the traffic coming inside the colony because if this gate is closed the only exit is through the nallah. That also reduces rash driving in the colony as the outsiders leaving the colony after a party are controlled.

The residents staying on and around this lane fear for their safety and feel when the gate was closed the colony was much more secure. Secondly, an open gate is an open invitation for car thefts, as it is difficult to decipher between a colony car or a car from the pub. Lastly, according to some residents it sets a wrong precedence to other commercial establishments as tomorrow they might also want a key to the gate next to their building or want their gate to be opened.

However, the RWA says that this understanding is on a trial basis and will be reviewed again after three months.
