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Criminal Negligence Of Builder Causes Massive Piped Gas Leakage In Anand Niketan
Anand Niketan

Criminal Negligence Of Builder Causes Massive Piped Gas Leakage In Anand Niketan

In a recent incident in Anand Niketan there was a massive leakage of piped cooking gas in the C block of the colony. The ongoing construction work at C 118 led to the breakage of the IGL pipeline and the resultant massive leakage. The JCB digging at the site C 118 punctured the gas pipeline in the evening leading to disruption in the gas supply for the next couple of hours.

The problem arose as the builder dug in the full width of the plot in one go till the end and all of a sudden the portion of back lane caved in…puncturing the line in the process. But luckily due to high alertness of neighbouring residents ( Sawhney brothers, C107) and swift action by the security personnel (especially Neeraj) supply was stopped within few minutes. Neeraj was so proactive that he immediately called up IGL and posted guards at both the ends of the back lane and went to each neighbouring construction sites warning labourers not to light cigarette Or “Chula” etc in their premises.

The disruption in gas supply was not only freak, but was also first since the time supply started in AN. This incident happened due to gross criminal negligence on the part of Contractor/ builder of house no C 118, putting the lives of neighbours in danger and putting all residents of AN to inconvenience and unwanted extra expenditure (ordering food from outside). ANCHS are waiting for IGL to take it up with law enforcing agencies, otherwise ANCHS will do it on it’s own, as it’s a serious matter of security breach/ concern of the residents.

The present managing committee under the leadership of Mr Ajay Sood understands the ramifications and disaster it could have caused. Mr Ajay Sood requested Sanjeev Verma to personally speak with the SHO regarding this, which he promptly did. Definite action will be taken after talking to IGL’s senior personnel.
