The few trees – in the above pictures and the banyan tree near the water falls – in the back corner of Meghdutam Park, behind Alok Vihar 1, are the original ones. The designing of the park was done keeping due consideration to these decades-old ‘original’ trees. Hence it was a rude surprise to see, around the month of December/January, one of them cut; the stump of the felled tree was witness to a neat operation by the horticulture department. Regular visitors to this more-than-a-decade old park could immediately notice the felling of the tree (see Picture 1). Unable to understand the reason for this action at a time when conservation of trees and planting of saplings for more green cover is the endeavour of ‘Clean and Green Noida’ and the horticulture department is working hard for this, few residents contacted Samvada team. We too were clueless; the rings on the fresh stump looked healthy.
The horticulture in charge was not aware of this, when we called up to know the reason why this tree and few more (one noticed on the side of the centre verge slope, behind Antriksh society) had be cut. He assured to call back, but never did. According to the park contractor the tree had wilted (drying out) and was cut.
The questions that arise from the felling of this tree are: In this, one of the prominent parks of Noida where lakhs of funds is involved and contact given for its maintenance, how can such a tree get neglected to dry up? Are not there any ways to treat it? When huge trees can be relocated, how come this tree was left unattended and had to be cut? Did any of the active residents/MC members of the 50F societies question the department to know why this had to be done (if anyone did, we may not be aware of, request to share on this platform).
However the ‘point of astonishment’ was when last month, in March, we noticed the stump removed!! Cut to the ground level, it has been covered by soil (see Picture 2). This ‘cover up’ action speaks much. Even the chopped tree stump on the centre slope, as mentioned above, has been so neatly removed and covered up that not a trace of it is to be seen.
This story should prompt tree lovers and friends of the trees to comment and express their opinion. If the residents and visitors to the park remain indifferent, may be other such causality becomes the norm.
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