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New Friends Colony

Common Problems of the Creamy Layer

Our RWA and MLA W-App are over loaded with 10-12 types of problems and lots of Residents are over active in trying to get them solved.

Just see what they are facing:

 1.Sewer (over flowing, lid stolen or broken) 2. DJB supply contaminated or stinking water, 3. Roads are broken or have potholes, 4. Pruning of trees, 5. Over Billing of water and electricity, 6. Stray Dog bites, 7. Encroachment, 8. Missing rain water out lets, 9. Security staff, 10. Parks maintenance, 11. BSES issues of malfunctioning, 12. Delhi Police co-operation.

The basic point is that these departments are never inspecting their areas, they all sit in their offices all the time. The staff should be forced to visit their area. Why street bulbs are not there, why lid of sewer is not replaced, why potholes are not taken up, why parks are ruined, why encroachment has become a business, why horticulture department is short of material or staff?

MLA says it is MP’s job, Councilor says it is not my area, MCD says it is PWD Road, DDA says we have given this park to MCD……so on and so forth.

RWA should convene a meeting of all the staff to resolve these issues in one go. It is a pity that when the concerned MLA or Councillor or Government staff visits, they never get any reception of Residents barring a few RWA staff and one or two old caps.

A few persons of area are always available on W-app post office, when they are called for a meeting, they pose as if they are very occupied or give reasons which they have never faced.
