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Club Courts Controversy Over Badminton
Sector 26 Noida

Club Courts Controversy Over Badminton

“Badminton court is aimed at providing better indoor sports facilities and is not influenced by any competition with any other institution” says president Khosla

The Management Committee of Club-26 recently decided to convert the open-area badminton court (which was free to use for all members) to a covered badmin-

ton hall. This would ensure that facilities will be available for badminton lovers in all types of weather, even windy autumn and wet monsoon.

When Samvada shared this news in the last edition, it set off a conversation on various WhatsApp groups, with some people supporting this decision and others opposing it since RWCS runs an indoor badminton court.

Undeterred, the Club started construction of the indoor court, which was suddenly stopped by the Noida Authority citing anonymous complaints. Mr. Khosla (Club President) and MC members then met with the Noida Authority to present their side, saying that the construction was stopped on misleading grounds. It seems that after an examination of the facts, the Noida Authority has allowed the work to restart.

It has been learned that Mr. Khosla has said that the redevelopment of the open-area badminton court is aimed at providing better indoor sports facilities and is not influenced by any competition with any other institution. He has also said that the aim of this redevelopment is not to generate funds, and the newly developed indoor badminton court will continue to be available to members at no charge.

With both the RWCS and Club taking shots at each other, the shuttlecock lies in the court of the players.
