The residents of sector 15 A are lucky and privileged to have an excellent club in the neighborhood within the sector. The club is a fine property comprising world class facilities for cultural activities, entertainment and a wide range of sports infrastructure. The club enjoys a reputation as one of the best clubs of NCR. The visitors and guests express great appreciation of the experience in the club. It is a matter of immense satisfaction that a number of members exhibit willingness to spare their time and energy towards management of club affairs making efforts for improvement. This is reflected in the hotly contested election. With election over it is expected that the elected members of Club Management Committee (CMC) work as a cohesive group towards taking the club forward to next higher level.
Unfortunately, the election rivalry continues.
The newly elected Club Management Committee (CMC) notified membership rates at variance of decision of last general body meeting. Unfortunately, the notification did not contain a statement explaining the consideration for variance. Addendum to the minutes of Annual General Body Meeting (AGM) was circulated deleting the concerned item. Such a step was undesirable. The CMC is well within its right while taking up the item as recorded in the minutes for discussion and formulate a view that the membership fee deserved to be revised because of reasonable and good justification. Important caveat is there has to be ‘reasonable and good justification’! Denial of decision in the AGM as recorded in the minutes is not a fair practice.
A clarification by RWA Secretary was issued which complicates the issue further. Clause 12 of the constitution quoted as explanation of the decision of deleting the item is not relevant. It may be noted the said clause pertains to the draft of minutes prepared by the Secretary and the President is vested with the powers of modifying the minutes and finalize. The issue at hand is finalized minutes are to be circulated and only the General Body is vested with the power of approving or otherwise. No other authority is expected to tinker with the minutes. Clarification mentioned that the variance had been done earlier also does not justify wrong doing in 2023.
The above-mentioned clarification mentions that the minutes have been signed by ex-secretary. The statement unfortunately overlooks the so called ‘ex-secretary’ was the secretary during the conduct of general body meeting and as such is duty bound to record the minutes of proceedings of the meeting. It is worthwhile to draw attention to the clause 11 (ii) of the constitution which states that after end of the tenure the CMC will continue till the elections are held. The said clause is quoted below for ready reference.
“The tenure of the managing Committee would be one year. However, the old committee will continue to function till the elections are held”. (Emphasis added)
Perusal of the above provision clearly demands that the outgoing CMC must conclude the business of the year before relinquishing and hand over the charge to the incoming team. The old committee includes the President of the previous year. It may be noted that the General Body Meeting of 7th May was being held before the elections and therefore the ‘functioning old CMC’ was duty bound to conduct the meeting and conclude the business of the club for the previous year. Hence the minutes of the meeting signed by the then Secretary and the then President are in order and do not suffer any infirmity. The President and the CMC of the current year must respect the decisions of the outgoing team and honor the minutes.
The newly elected President of RWA who is ex-officio the President of the club is expected to be seated on the dais for the sake of continuity. The administration of the club is continuous process. One may give an analogy from the sports of relay race where both the runners are running for a short distance before passing on the baton to the runner for next leg of race.
Invoking a resolution of 1998 authorizing CMC to justify a decision 25 years later is surprising and out of place. As such it does not appear logical that the General Body of a particular year will surrender the responsibility of all general bodies in future of supervising CMC in matters of admission fees etc. A relevant portion of the constitution is reproduced below for ready reference.
“11 Managing Committee (CMC) ..
(VII) Business of the CMC:
Subject to rules and directions of the General Body, the functions of the managing Committee would include:-” (Emphasis added)
(j) To determine from time-to-time monthly subscription/ changes for various items
Circumstances and considerations leading to the said resolution will necessitate examination for its relevance at present. The explanation by RWA secretary appears to be based on group affiliations.
In the initial days the sector was not fully inhabited and there was need for mobilizing funds. Membership was offered to some who were not residents of the sector in the category of non-resident members. The situation has changed. There is an issue of overcrowding in the club and parking woes. It is time policy concerning non-resident members is reviewed.
Fault lies in the management structure of the club deserves to be addressed.
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