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Children’s Day Special
Greater Kailash 2

Children’s Day Special

The term Childhood remains synonymous with innocence and affection. It is undoubtedly the best phase in our life and its memories remain firmly etched in our minds forever. That is perhaps why we say that there is a child within each one of us who we should keep alive to spread love and warmth around us at all times. This Children’s Day, we received the following message on the relevance of this occasion from Disha Kalra, a GK-2 resident, whose son Rehaan has brought so much happiness in her life. 

Children’s Day is so special and we must celebrate it by organizing fun activities like games, storytelling, and creative arts, which add so much value to a child in his/her formative years. By fostering a nurturing atmosphere that encourages children to voice their opinions, we let them know how much they mean to us. While educational outings and virtual experiences assist in the overall development and well-being of children, acknowledging the uniqueness of each child makes their life journey so memorable and filled with joy and love.
