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Cheers to a Smooth Drive!

Cheers to a Smooth Drive!

Carlton has been busy upgrading its outward appearance. It first started with getting the Balconies repaired, followed by the painting of both Carlton 4 and Carlton

  1. Now we have finally reached the final part of the renovation- road repair.
    The roads in Carlton are getting a brand new look instead of going with the usual bitumen road, CECA decided to go ahead with interlocking paver tiles without dismantling the existing bitumen roads. This decision was made after having a team of professionals come in to check whether the existing basement slab on which the roads are built will be able to bare the additional dead load of the interlocking paver tiled road and once the go-ahead was given, the work towards constructing smooth roads began.
    Not only do they look smart, but from the durability point of view, it’s a win for Carlton. “ The road revamping work took time owing to security aspects that we had to keep in mind, but once we had finished doing all the research and trials with a team of professionals, we finally got a go ahead and the work has already begun in Carlton 1. I am sure this new change would bring a big relief to not only the vehicle owners but also to our morning and evening walkers.”- Pawan Tharwani, President CECA.
    Well, Thanks to CECA, Carlton is beginning to look brand new and we look forward to our new roads.

by Anushre Bindal (C-4, Carlton Est, 9940399564)
