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Central Nallah Park in Pathetic Condition
Defence Colony

Central Nallah Park in Pathetic Condition

The black mole of Defence colony (central Nallah park) is once again in very bad condition due to careless maintenance of this so-called park. The park is now full of garbage, overgrown grass, dog-poop, empty bottles and what not as there is no systematic cleaning and maintenance of the park.

Why is this happening?

• The Nallah project was never completed and has been left between DDA and MCD who are not able to take the responsibility of cleanliness and maintenance.

• The underneath of Nallah is full of stagnant water, garbage and poisonous gases which are not only for human but also for equipment like AC, Water machine, waterpipes etc.

• There is flow of outsiders in the day who keep throwing garbage all over the place: there are many who use this park for drinking in the evening and throw empty bottles etc.

How To Make This Nallah Park Useful for The Residents?

• The RWA must coordinate with DDA for the completion of this project to take care of park as well as under the park for smoother flow of drain water;

• The Horticulture department must be contacted for the availability of water for the plants, pruning of trees etc.

• The DDA or MCD must create few toilets on the Nallah park to enable the daily walkers to use them in case of need;

• The Lights on the parks are either fused or hidden by overgrown trees; the lights must be repaired on priority as the winters are about to begin and it will get dark very soon.
