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‘Celestial Delight – August Blue Moon’

‘Celestial Delight – August Blue Moon’

Residents of Hamilton court society enjoyed watching the Supermoon on a clear night sky and the excitement was taken to another level when Namisha Rajgarhia and Vinayak Singal, an Astro-lover, parked their telescope in the Hamilton lawn. 

Children, adults, and senior citizens all lined up to admire nature’s extraordinary spectacle and cherry-on-the-cake was an explanation of the entire moon journey by this enthusiastic couple. What is a blue moon? Why does it happen? What and where to watch through the telescope? Watch the Apollo pointer on the moon? The q/a round was unending and the twinkle in the eyes of over-enthusiastic young minds was priceless.

The monthly Blue Moon denotes the second Full Moon occurring within a single calendar month and has nothing to do with the Moon’s Colour. The occurrence of Blue Moonhappens approximately every 2 to 3 years and the last Blue Moon graced our skies on August 22, 2021. A supermoon occurs because the moon moves closer to and further away from the Earth at different points in its elliptical orbit. The moon appears so bright because it “cast about 30 per cent more light on the planet than when the moon is at its dimmest”. Readers watch out for the next supermoon in the last week of August.  

The curiosity among the children was at the next level as they could identify the craters on the moon, its stars and the changing shape of the moon every couple of minutes through the telescope. It was a breathtaking celestial experience, full of excitement, learning and the joy of exploring the cosmos, a world beyond our earth’s horizon.  

Being Astro gazers and nature lovers, they believe that parents should encourage and expose their children to several facets of nature. Parents play an important role in the budding years and there is a lot to learn beyond books. They should be exposed to new experiences which lead to developing their imagination, awareness, and inquisitiveness and expands their thinking horizons. Also stargazing as a hobby brings serenity and calmness in our mind.

The couple is also passionate bird watchers and have been conducting several interesting activities for Hamilton children like Rubic cubes, bird watching trails, night sky gazing and also running a hobby book club for grade 2 kids.
