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<strong>Celebrations in ATS Greens 1</strong>
Sector 50 A-E

Celebrations in ATS Greens 1

The ATS Greens 1 residents and the management team work hand-in-hand to make each celebratory occasion joyous. The first month of the New Year has two occasions to celebrate and we got together to celebrate bringing out the best forward.

74th Republic Day

On 26 January the occasion was celebrated with the residents on the society’s central lawn. Republic Day is the glory of our nation, which we always feel proud of as Indian Citizens irrespective of where we live in the world; the patriotic sentiments.

At the event, a group of kids from the society did the honour of flag hoisting followed by the national anthem sung by the society residents present. After that children showed their talents with performance of group songs, and patriotic poems to express their devotion towards the nation. The chorus sung by the ladies staged their common audible voices to grace the occasion and created a lively atmosphere. Few toddlers danced on Bollywood songs and assert their readiness as the next generation. The celebration mood prevailed with sweets distribution during the event.

Lohri Celebration

Celebration of Lohri festival in the society campus was held in the moon light of 13 January. The Lohri festival is nothing less than a happy occasion with lights and dances on high-beat music. A bonfire for Lohri was organized in the open common area of the society. Residents gathered for a small prayer after sunset. Elders and children enjoyed the nuts, popcorn, peanuts and sweets distributed after Lohri dahen, after which Dhol music and Bhangra songs were part of the festival. They offered popcorn and puffed rice at the bonfire, a traditional part of the celebration.

As Indians, we are fortunate to be born in a land of diverse cultures. The splendour of living in a country like India is where we get to know and celebrate different festivals of various states year long.

by Ashwani Kumar Verma (ATS Greens 1, Sector-50; 9873437353)
