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Celebrate your Life as well as Death
Panchshila Park

Celebrate your Life as well as Death

A perfect example of the above quote was seen at the passing away of our colony’s very respected person, Sh. Mohinder Lal Verma. He was 93 and lived a full life. The family members made sure that his life was celebrated and his Death was honoured. Such a death is rare. Osho says,” Death is not the end, but crescent of life. There is no death. It’s a gift of God to you. Rejoice in it. Burn your life’s candle from both sides. So, give the person a goodbye happily, gracefully. It’s difficult but easy”. But we saw this in the demise of Sh. Mohinder Lal Verma. He wanted to visit Gurudwara just before his death as he used to go daily. The family was around him till his last breath. On declaration of his death by the doctor, his morgue freezer was so beautifully decorated as if it was celebratory. On the day of the prayer meeting, a singer sang beautiful bhajans. The family arranged a lavish high tea celebrating his memories and lessons learnt which was a respectful way of giving him a send-off. His grandson Aman gave him a smiling send off and mentioned that his grandfather would have only desired such a celebration after his death.
