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Caught in the Act: Cases of Theft by Household Staff Raise Alarms

Caught in the Act: Cases of Theft by Household Staff Raise Alarms

In households across the globe, hiring a maid or domestic helper is a common practice to ease the workload. However, there are unfortunate instances where trust is breached, leading to theft or dishonesty.

A recent case happened in L block where the maid was seen stealing ghee, a kids’ printer, a bedsheet, watch.

She was caught when she was taking money from the owner’s purse.

She and her daughter are looking for work in and around DLf 2. The picture is attached below, please be careful before hiring them.

Another similar incident happened in M Block.

Where two sisters were fired because they were caught stealing. Prevention is always better than dealing with the fallout of theft. A background check should be a must while hiring any staff as the cases are increasing day by day.

Installing security cameras in common areas like kitchens, living rooms, and hallways serves as both a deterrent to theft and a means of monitoring any suspicious activity.

By being vigilant and keeping the above things in mind employers can reduce the risk of such incidents.
