Every Drop Counts
Water’s value is beyond measure! “We never know the price of water till the well is dry.” The water crisis is an intricate issue affecting communities globally. The increasing strain…
Home Sweet Home
While enjoying oneself… consideration must be shown for other For the past one and a half years, I have been contributing articles in “Samvada” focusing on many festivities and celebrations…
ओमैक्स ट्विन टावर में अगस्त के समारोह
अगस्त माह आते ही एक मीठे आनन्द का एहसास होने लगता है। वो बारिश की फुहारें, रंग बिरंगे त्योहारों… तीज, रक्षाबंधन, जन्माष्टमी की खुशियाँ और हम भारतीयों के सम्मान व…
घरेलू कार्यों के लिए सहायक को पूरी तहकीकात के बाद रखें
ये ही मानवीय प्रवृतियां हैं… और कुछ नहीं। सभी जानतें हैं चोरी करना अपराध है, झूठ बोलना पाप है लेकिन ये कब रूका है? ये पाप, ये अपराध कभी भी…
‘Pankh-Wings To Fly’ Celebrated Independence Day with Heartwarming Performances
On 15 August, ‘Pankh-Wings To Fly’ — a heartfelt initiative dedicated to teaching underprivileged children — celebrated Independence Day with a special program in Amphitheater of Meghdutam Park. The event…
Real Impact of Entrance Test
The current reliance on entrance examinations for university and college admissions in India has given rise to several significant concerns. This system has ledto substantial stress among students, an unregulated…
An Awesome Evening
Walkers in the park enjoyed the stunning panorama, the flowing cottony clouds, and a peek of the sky in its spectacular and captivating form as the daylight faded. The sky…
नाभि चिकित्सा कार्यशाला
नाभि योग संस्थान द्वारा रविवार, 25 अगस्त, को प्रातः 07ः30 बजे संस्कृति क्लब, एफ-34, सेक्टर 50, में नाभि चिकित्सा पर एक दिवसीय कार्यशाला का आयोजन मे किया गया। इस कार्यशाला…
Independence Day in Mahagun Manor
The 77th Independence Day, 15 August, was celebrated with enthusiasm in Mahagun Manor. The decoration at the celebration site was in tricolour, which exuded the patriotic fervour in the preparation…
Haryali Teej in Overseas
Festivals are meant to be enjoyed, and ladies celebrated Haryali Teej with full fun and gaiety of Overseas Apartments. After a parched summer, festivity was in the air. On 03…
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