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Carlton Seniors Go Back To ‘Bachpan Key Din’

Carlton Seniors Go Back To ‘Bachpan Key Din’

31st May ended with a bang for our senior citizen ladies as they celebrated the birthday of their two members. The theme of the party was “Bachpan Key Din ” wherein all the ladies had to dress up as little girls. The ladies dressed in their beautiful dresses and skirts accessorised themselves with stuffed toys, pigtails, ballerina shoes and water bottles but one member went the extra mile by dressing up as a young schoolgirl. The evening began with some interesting games one of which was to identify the kids in the photographs and these photos were of all the members from their childhood followed by a childhood favourite game- name, place, animal and thing. The evening ended with the ladies munching on some delicious food singing songs and reminiscing about their childhood.

by Anushre Bindal (C-4, Carlton Est, 9940399564)
