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Car Stolen & Attempts to Steal are on the Increase!
Greater Kailash 1

Car Stolen & Attempts to Steal are on the Increase!

In an unfortunate incident “Creta car” belonging to Mr. Gaitonde was stolen from outside his residence (S 359) on the night of 25/11/23 at about 11.10 am. FIR no. 036658/2023 was lodged promptly. As per the register maintained at gate number two of society, car was driven out at about 11.25 pm. Video footage was down loaded. It was noticed that the culprits had come in a “kia Seltos” car. They broke the window pane of the driver side & drove away. These high-end cars have several safety features, still the thieves prove to be smarter than the designers of these cars. It has been reported that the car has been seized by Ahmedabad Police & information was passed on by Gujrat Police to the owners & the local Police. Further steps are being taken to bring back the stolen vehicle to Delhi. Another attempt was made on the night of 6th Dec. to steal the SUV from S 42 by breaking the window pane of the driver side. However, some residents raised an alarm and the thieves ran away. RWA has requested the residents many a times to use tyre /wheel locks to prevent such incidents. Around 130 vehicles are stolen in the NCR region every day.
