With cars getting safer for adults (3-point seat belts with pretensioners, airbags, ADAS etc.) we ignore the safety for our kids while travelling. Without being restraint, even the safest car is unsafe for a kid.
Most parents and public believe baby car seats are “modern elite accessories”, which they aren’t. We now have more vehicles plying on road with permissible speed limits up to 120 kmph. Add to that reckless driving, potholes, unpredictable traffic, animals and the probability of meeting an accident goes high. Govt. mandated in 2019 that “every child below 14 years of age should be secured by a seatbelt or a Child restraint system (CRS), with a fine of 1000 if found guilty”. Seatbelts are not a recommended solution for restraining kids (till at least 10 years old) safely as car seats are designed for adults.
Pointers for caretakers:
Invest in a safer car with ISOFIX hooks on middle seats and child lock feature. Get a baby seat that complies with at least euro R44/04 standard that can be affixed via ISOFIX (ISOFIX hooks are connected directly to the frame of the car). It’s normal for the kids to be cranky while they are being restrained initially in a car seat; you have to built a habit for their own safety. Activate the child lock on the car door where you have installed the seat (Left / Right).
Adjust the belts on the baby firmly once the kids are seated (not too tight or too loose). An adult sitting adjacent to the child seat should always wear seatbelts. Don’t place anything loose in the car that can easily fall or fly off. Avoid getting used car seat if you don’t know the history of the seat (unless you have a trustworthy friend or family member). Never leave the child alone in the car once restrained.
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