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Camps in DLF 1

Camps in DLF 1

• Aadhar Card Camp: Rama Ranee Rathi’s office organised the camp on 24 Nov at 49, Arjun Marg for new enrolment, correction and updating of the cards. It’s a great initiative for the people who have accidentally lost their Aadhar cards or need any kind of correction and cannot travel to distant allocated offices, as it saves a lot of time in terms of travelling as well as avoiding long queues.

• Free Health Checkup Camp: A free medical Camp can be considered as a life-saving program that aims to provide free medical and surgical services to poor communities living in rural or urban areas by a mobile team with varieties of medical specialized services. The camp was organised in association with Narayan Hospital on 25 Nov.

• Domestic Helps Police Verification Camp: To further increase resident security, PRWS set up a camp on Nov18, next to Gate #9. This allowed for the verification of domestic assistants. There have been numerous instances of theft by domestic assistants in the recent past, thus initiatives like these are important.
