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Sushant Lok 1

Burglary Break

The modern thieves have become bolder as they do not wait until the sun sets or for the dark because they brazenly attacked a property in Sushant Lok C block in broad daylight. In C 425 A, first floor, which is at the mouth of Executive Villas, a new construction of four floors, the burglary occurred at 1 pm, in the daytime. The doors are automatic, and the presence of a guard could not ward off the tragedy. The thieves singled out the site, then finding it safe to enter during the lunch time, created this catastrophe. The affected residents are still in shock, the formalities are carried out. Sad but true!

In a similar incident, just a few days back, a theft happened in Dr, Arora’s house, C 599, on the second floor. The street light outside the house was not working and gave a ploy to the thieves to enter and sabotage. The police were called and they tried to search for a face in the CCTV but to no avail. The conclusion was derived that the MCB box that controls the street lights must have been tempered with and thus it can happen in any of the houses as well. The long and vigorous process to retrieve anything that is lost, with the condition if the culprits are caught, makes the victim morose and lose hope in the system. Is this problem insurmountable in C block? Could more precautions be taken by the authorities?
