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New Friends Colony

“Budh Sabha” -All Activities Managed Exclusively by Neelima Mohan

In times when many people had no access to ‘Temples, etc.’, several ladies of the colony met privately once a week on Wednesdays from 10.30 am until 12.30 pm. The purpose of the weekly meeting, fondly and lovingly called the “Budh Sabha” was to meet and pray/meditate together with an atmosphere of pin-drop silence. The meet was akin to a “tapasya” where no food in the form of ‘prasad’ was served to the participants. Initially, no water was served, but later, considering the age and health of many older lady participants, everyone unanimously decided to serve water, but no food at all. The Budh Sabha meeting starts sharp at 10.30 am with a ‘havan’ which is followed by reading of scriptures like the sacred Ramayan, Amrit Vani Path, Bhajans etc.

To start with, the search for a suitable venue for the weekly meeting seemed to be a difficulty, but as time went by…ladies attending the weekly meeting volunteered to host the meeting in their respective homes turn by turn through rotation. As of now, the participants at the meetings are ladies from New Friends Colony only. All the Sabha ladies and specially  Neelima Mohan have invited with wide open arms ladies from other colonies as well to participate. All interested may please call Neelima Mohan at 9899709060.    
