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Bring Home Happiness

Bring Home Happiness

No matter how reserved or aloof we like to remain from the rest of humanity, there’s no denying that we all still long for companionship. And there’s no more a loyal and joyful companion for us humans than an animal. Even amongst animals, dogs top the list as the most preferred pets. Sadly, just like houses and cars, many of us also consider dogs a status symbol. Bigger, more ferocious, the better! This has given rise to the extremely unethical practice of breeding that is nothing short of absolute cruelty. Not only is a female dog kept in horrible conditions and repeatedly put through the suffering of pregnancy one after the other, shortening her lifespan, but also goes through the trauma of her very tiny babies taken away from her. These little pups, who are sold at hefty amounts, do not receive either the love of their mother or the nutrition of their mother’s milk, making them prone to anxiety and diseases when they grow up. No wonder the maximum number of visitors to a vet clinic are these fancy breeds. 

An Indian Mongrel presents a wonderful solution to this cruelty. Not only are Indian streets full of them, but they are better adapted to the rough Indian conditions than any other fancy breed. You will seldom ever spot an Indian dog at a vet clinic, except for sterilization or vaccination. One does not need to spend a penny to get the most loyal, grateful and happy friend for life, and what’s more! You get to earn some good Karma by giving a home to a soul that would otherwise be living a very harsh life on the streets. You also do a huge service to the community by reducing the number of strays and thereby reducing the threats emanating from their aggression due to hunger & pain.

In case you missed the trend, look around. Chances are, the coolest people, and many of your favorite celebrities, from Hrithik Roshan, Alia Bhatt, Zeenat Aman, Virat Kohli to John Abraham, have an Indie as a pet.  

Buying pets is passe. Adopt, don’t shop, is the new mantra. Go for it!
