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Book Chase The Change Authored by Sandeep Jain
Sector 15A Noida

Book Chase The Change Authored by Sandeep Jain

The heaviest burden that anyone can carry is the burden of their unrealised potential, and yet each of us are guilty of carrying this burden!

If the above statement reflects even a bit of how you feel, then Chase the Change, authored by Sandeep Jain (, a leadership coach and strategy consultant, is the book you need. Sandeep wrote this book to inspire people to own and make the change that they want in their lives, at work, and in their relationships.

The book is endorsed by Dr Marshall Goldsmith, the World’s #1 Leadership Thinker, who writes, ‘Read this book, follow its advice and watch your career, relationships and life change’. Chase the Change is now available on Amazon:…
