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Better Train Your Dog or Watch Him Train You
Sector 50 A-E

Better Train Your Dog or Watch Him Train You

One day in this chilly month of January I woke up, as usual, to the angry face and the big eyes of my dog. He was reminding me for his daily walk. It was around 8 am, and still felt as if it were freezing. In spite of my pleas, “Let’s wait for another hour,” the boy was adamant. He had to go out. In moments such as these I am often reminded of an article where the author claimed, “Better train your dog, or watch him train you.” This rings completely true for me, often I do “watch” him, and realise that he uses all “saam, daam, dand” techniques to get his will done. If you have a dog, you would actually understand what I am saying. And if you don’t, well, maybe now you know.

So we went out in the chill and fog to meet and greet other canines. Not surprisingly I met many others dressed just like me, covered head to toe in woollen clothing with the exception of eyes and nose, being ferried here and there by these stupid canines. They want heaters, razai and what not at home, but mornings and evenings they have an itch to meet up with their fellow quadrupeds.

I was busy cursing the planetary positions when I decided to get him, its then that my eyes met with a black stray. As per many in our neighbourhood he is the eldest of his pack. The greys on his chin give ample testimony that he has seen and survived many winters. This time around he was not wearing any coat, which I remember some winters back he did. However strangely, in that moment I did not feel pity for him. Obviously he was managing. I could only manage to contrast him with my stupid companion.

Further, for a minute, I thought as if he was asking me, “Hey why are you out? It’s almost freezing. Oh this stupid fellow has brought you. Carry on and take care.”
