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Benevolent ladies of S Block Shiv Mandir & SBWS Made Generous Contributions for the Marriage of “Park Mali”s Daughter
Greater Kailash 1

Benevolent ladies of S Block Shiv Mandir & SBWS Made Generous Contributions for the Marriage of “Park Mali”s Daughter

Gardner Ravinder has been working with the S Block Society, looking after the park, for the last twenty years, except for a break of three years during Covid, when he got stuck in his village. Quite recently he distributed cards for the marriage of his daughter, before proceeding on a month’s leave. The generous ladies of Shiv Mandir Trust, S Block, who always come forward for such causes, got together & contributed Rs. Fifteen thousand in Cash , eleven sarees/ suits for the bride to be & many other household goods. President SBWS was invited to the Mandir on 8th April, for handing over these gifts to Ravinder, who obviously was quite happy. SBWS MC gave Rs Five thousand in cash. Several members of MC CC made individual contributions , which they did not want to disclose. Samvada wishes all the best to Ravinder & his daughter.
