This summer has been one of the worst ones we have experienced so far; the constant power cuts have not done it any favours. Due to this, we have had to run our ACs all day long just to beat this heat.
Recently, an AC caused a fire in an apartment which has caused many parents to worry for them and their children’s safety. This fire should be a wakeup call for all residents to try and beat the summer in a more sustainable and environment – friendly manner.
In summers, most of the leaves and trash turn dry. That makes them more flammable, meaning that they can easily catch fire. Avoiding this is easy. Residents need to dispose of flammable waste properly, e.g., not throwing cigarettes into the garden/ shaft can greatly reduce risk of fire.
Proper management of home appliances has also become a necessity so that our apartments do not become a fire hazard. Bringing such simple changes will definitely help avoid fire scares in the society.

This heat, unfortunately, does not just affect us but also affects the plants and animals in our houses. While there are many ways to help plants survive the summer heat – by providing them water at frequent intervals and using high quality mulch and fertilizers – there is really no way to provide relief to pets who are suited for cold weathers.
This is a harsh truth pet parents have to accept – that some animals just cannot survive in the Delhi summers. These parents should try their best to find ways to keep their pets comfortable.
As residents, we need to realize that safety and comfort are in our hands. We need to look at ourselves in the mirror and find a way to beat the summer in a safer and sustainable manner, whether it be through using the AC for short intervals as that reduces chances of overheating.
Disposal of flammable objects should also be done carefully as we live in a society and any damage to it will affect every single resident in some manner. I hope we can stay safe and also sustainably beat the heat.
Image Courtesy The Economic Times

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