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Be happy , be Smiling, Keep Spreading Goodness

Take life as it comes.

It is the most cruel thing in this world.

It makes you cry, it makes you laugh.

It saddens you sometime, while put a smile on your face too.

It sometimes deepens you in sorrow, but lifts you also in joy.

It gives you all tastes of life.

Like a river, who doesn’t know it’s course and it passes through varied unusual terrains.

The life too encounters difficult or unusual situations & people.

Sometime difficult terrain makes the river fall.

In life too you encounter people, who try to break you or make you fall.

Terrain is creation of someone else. Similarly these people have been created for this purpose.

Even in the fall, though in pains, river creates a beautiful view for People to enjoy.

So have a big laugh, when someone tries to pull you down. Don’t loose your smile. Enjoy their shalowness.

River moves at his own pace, sometime fast, sometime slow, carrying sweat water,  knowing well it’s end.

So keep on doing good work, spread sweetness, let negativity not come near you. Let the troublesome meet their own end.
