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Be Aware To Avert Mishappenings On Road
Green Park Main & Ext.

Be Aware To Avert Mishappenings On Road

Prevention of loss of life & injuries by road accidents, due to avoidable human error is possible in 80% of cases. A pledge has been taken to reduce, road accidents to 50% by 2030 A series of lectures were organised by International Road Federation India Chapter with it’s office in A9A Green Park Main and  Founder President Mr. KK Kapila, IRF-IC Lt. Gen. Harpal Singh Retd, series of lectures were started in January 2023 on various subjects. 5th lecture was held on 4th Oct. on Drivers Psychology and behavior and Influence of technology  organized by Maruti Suzuki, in prevention of road accidents , attended by Traffic police of states and volunteer members. Presentations were given by Mr. Amit Kumar . Sr. Director, Netradyne, Mr.Venkata Subarao Chundruru, Director Arcadis IBI, Mr. Nitin G.R, Founder & CEO, GrandPitStop.

Serious concern was laid on not wearing Helmets, Drunken Driving, Over speeding, use of Mobile- distracting attention, Seat Belt, Traffic Rule violations. Obstacles like cattle on road, over congestion & condition of road etc.

In technology observation is, accidents are more in electric vehicles, reason being – soundless as  compared to other vehicles. In two wheeler amendments suggested – Rotating mirror, full rear view mirror at back, air bag which will cover the entire body of victim & dress with two flickering lights  shining at the back of driver & AC helmet.

The meeting ended with QA session, vote of thanks by Mr. Akhilesh Srivastva, EVP,  IRF INDIA, National Anthem and high tea.
