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Batting for Textile Waste Management: South City 1 Scores Again

Batting for Textile Waste Management: South City 1 Scores Again

Residents of South City 1 discovered the environmental impact of textile waste management and joined the Circular Textile initiative, the Clothes Collection Drive at Gurugram by Saahas Zero Waste, Slim Homes & Garbage Free India.

We collectively tackle environmental challenges posed by used garments or textile waste through collection, sorting and extending the life of textiles by recycling or upcycling.

After fixing a date for collection of the Textile waste/wearable clothes, a message is posted across South City 1 WhatsApp Groups apprising residents of the date as well as points for depositing their clothes. Having started in April 2024, till November 2024, we have succeeded in diverting 955 kgs of clothes & textile waste from being landfilled.

The objective is to involve residents, children, household help and employees to contribute unused and unwanted clothing items for recycling or repurposing. We are looking forward to the participation of many more Residents towards contributing to a greener, more sustainable future.
