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Backlane Cleaning-A Real Nightmare- SBWS Takes Things in Their Hands
Greater Kailash 1

Backlane Cleaning-A Real Nightmare- SBWS Takes Things in Their Hands

Fed up with the neglect of back lanes by MCD over the past several years, the managing Committee of SBWS proposed during its AGM held on 14th April 24,to undertake the cleaning of back lanes by employing two sanitation staff.

The proposal got a unanimous approval as the condition of back lanes had worsened over the years, as MCD staff barely did any cleaning.

SBWS undertook the challenge & started the cleaning operation in right earnest on 25th April.

Initially it was a tough job with all sorts of encroachments, wild grass, malba & garbage, dumped all over by the builders & residents alike.

However, with the active support of Sanitary inspector, Ashok Kumar of MCD, this difficult task was achived.SI was requested to issue warning letters/Challans to all the offenders.Many challans were issued to the builders, who had encroached upon back lanes. The M.C members took daily rounds of back lanes & requested residents & builders to remove all hindrances.

As a result, 14 back lanes have been cleared of all major encroachments. Now, regular sweeping is being done on a daily basis.Our residents are very happy with the efforts put in by the team of SBWS.

For easy identification of houses, SBWS staff has put the house numbers in back lanes, behind each house. This step would also help DJB & IGL staff in identifying the houses, when they come to take meter readings.

MCD is providing active support by deploying tippers & tempos to remove the accumulated malba & Garbage.

Where ever necessary, SBWS is employing tempos at its own cost.

Chemical is also being sprayed to prevent the growth of wild grass, whenever possible.

We hope that with the active cooperation of residents & MCD, back lanes would remain clean in future too.
