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Vasant Vihar

Back Breakers

In this urban pocket of civilization, we have our own set of rules and regulations to suit us. Let’s take an example of usage of the local infrastructure. Generally, we twist the situation to suite our convenience. Roads outside our houses are public roads and we cannot alter them, however people are making speed breakers as high as a tower without permission and it is impossible to cross them even in slow speed w/out breaking our backs! If u are entering the colony at night these breakers are not even visible with naked eyes (should be marked with black and white strips and a board mentioning this 40 mtrs prior should be put).

As per law, speed breakers cannot be built w/out govt permission and should be made basically by providing a rounded (of 17 metre radius) hump of 3.7 metre width and 0.10 metre height for the preferred advisory crossing speed of 25 km/h for general traffic with Town planners /authority’s permission.

We have a few such back breakers in our colony and we request the authorities to look into this matter and provide relief by breaking these back breakers.
