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B-75 Panchshila Enclave on Fire!
Panchshila Park

B-75 Panchshila Enclave on Fire!

Beware of the Short Circuits During Summer Season

The terrace of House No B-75 Panchshila Enclave suddenly lit with fire at about 8 pm on 7 April. Thankfully, it was noticed by a maid residing in the opposite house across the road called up Seema Malhotra, our socialite. She was out of her House. So, she called up Minal and a few others in the colony to check up, where exactly the fire broke. Minal informed her that it’s in the servant room of House No. B-75.

Minal immediately called up fire Brigade, which could reach there not before an hour. Thankfully the driver and a servant of the building managed to put off the fire, by taking buckets of water from the overhead tanks. The servant’s room was totally gutted. She was about to go home and had done a lot of purchasing for the family.

Seema Malhotra as usual came to the rescue and asked others to help her, besides she herself helping her. So, the loss to the maid was almost covered. She seemed very happy. Short circuit is reported as the cause of fire & highly inflammable material consisting of a p plastic cabin constructed on the roof by one of the flat owners was one of the destruction factor.

Lesson to be leant is..

One needs to be very attentive in case of any flickering of lights.

Heating up of loose plugs, which need to be changed immediately.

Not keeping unwanted inflammable material.

The whereabouts of keys of the locks of the back lanes should be known to the residents. It should be displayed on the gate itself, so that there’s no delay for fire Brigades to reach the affected building. The back lanes should be clear of any obstruction.

PS The smoke turned out into a big blaze which frightened the nearby people and PE residents as the news spread fast.

We should not overuse an electricity point by using a multi plug devise.

1. Immediately switch off the mains of the building; 2. Sand, water buckets should be thrown on fire. 3. In case of burning of a person, he should be wrapped in a towel or a blanket. 4. If we cover the fire with a thick towel or anything like this available it helps in turning off the fire. 5. One should not overload a plug pont by using multi plugs extension board. 6. Fit in a plug tightly in a socket. In case you smell overheated plug, get it changed immediately. 7. Don’t take flickering of light lightly. Get it checked. It might be a sign of Short-circuiting.
