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As Residents We Are Powerless to Act!
Sector 50 A-E

As Residents We Are Powerless to Act!

by Shikha Sinha

In the first week of September, Samvada office received an email from Ajoy David residing in B-96, Sector-50. It was regarding an urgent concern near his house; it stated – Despite repeated requests, this dangerous manhole has not been repaired. I am forwarding my mail to CEO Noida, which elicited no response. I have complained on Noida Sewa numbers at least thrice. I first brought it to the notice of the Sector 50 RWA, but nothing has happened. Until a serious accident/mishap takes place, the authorities will not act, unfortunately. I now turn to Samvada to highlight this issue.
And… the accident did happen!
Mr David forwarded his email sent to CEO Noida on 7 September: The attached pictures are outside my residence in Sector 50. The manhole, an unnecessary element – as it does not collect water sitting on top of a slope – has been in this condition for almost a month. The RWA has been informed repeatedly but no concrete action taken. I have also telephoned Noida Sewa and while the repair team comes, no long lasting repair takes place. Last night a serious accident occurred and the occupant of the car that hit the stationary car was slightly injured. The driver hit a park bench that had been placed on the manhole and lost control. This morning the yellow barrier has been placed.
May I request you to kindly take immediate action before a more serious incident occurs.
This accident got the RWA 50 into action and it took around 10–12 days when the damaged manhole was replaced by a cement slab.
On this new cement slab now, when Samvada asked Mr David if he is satisfied with the job done he replied: “Not really! I have gone blue in the face trying to draw attention to the issue with absolutely no response from either the Authority or the RWA, for quite some time. In fact, ever since this manhole cover was being installed, at the time the drain adjacent to my house was broken down some years ago and reconstructed (not once but twice), I kept trying to convince the Authority engineers the futility of having a manhole atop a slope. But logic is not acceptable to those who cannot see otherwise.
“Of course, when this particular manhole caved in approx. six weeks ago I personally dragged those yellow metal barricades across the open manhole, to ensure no untoward incident occurred. I immediately WhatsApped the RWA President with photographs and info, but no action was taken. Several reminders made no difference.
When the Noida Authority team finally came to repair the metal manhole, I expressed my reservations about the viability of the same. In fact, it was me who told them only a cement slab reinforced with metal reinforcement could work.
“As residents, we can only inform the Authorities, but are powerless to act!”
