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Vasant Vihar

‘Art For Soul’ Students Share Their Experience

Drawing, sketching, painting..  all these fascinated me as a child… so with little skills and lots of encouragement,  I started on my journey of expression. With out any formal training, drawing landscapes and places that were of meaning to me became a habit.

It was only when I started learning from Ekta Jain that it actually became a reality and passion. I wished to explore not only the things around me but also within through art, using it to better understand myself. This is where Ekta’s guidance helped me and it became a means of expression and sharing. I can truly say that the energy and vibe of the studio and fellow artists is what makes us put our best foot forward. Here each one strifes to lift the other up, be happy for each-others’ achievements and provide mutual empowerment. Its here that I could muster enough courage and confidence to put forward my humble presentations, displaying till where I’ve reached in my journey at this point.

With some training and a lot of encouragement, I’ve started picking up the brush with an idea to look into myself, to understand my thoughts and emotions, to delve into my spirituality. Painting what I once was afraid of, gives me even more inspiration and confidence to continue my endeavour as an ‘artist’ to explore my own self.

 At the time of exhibition Aparna wrote this:

Who thought of this day to happen in my life.. Coming from Kanpur City and born in the year 1981 I have completed Forty Two years of my mortal journey with different modes and mediums. By profession I am a qualified Company Secretary and taking care of compliance & regulations for the corporate world. Parting with ever demanding corporate life for meeting the never ending enthusiasm of my two boys was overwhelming for me.

 At the middle age of my journey, experiencing art was like a bliss. Gentle constant push of my mentor took me to another world of brightness, colours and serenity. Indeed how meditative it is, which helps forget everything on this planet and overcome all my worries and anxiety. “Waqt ka pata hi nahi chalta, har lamha tham sa jata hai”

With the humble support of my family I began this expedition in 2019. Each day & every moment was enriching and reflective. This beautiful aspect of me, ‘my soul’ came out shining like a bright light. I feel so blessed…. Each of my art work displayed here is truly part of my life. And not to miss my beloved mother’s wisdom stayed with me and can be witnessed in my exhibits. looking out to nature is my sole inspiration in this soulful journey of discovery of my essence.
