Thanks to all RWA’s of Malibu Federation for actively maintaining our township so well, with limited support by the MCG. The onerous task undertaken in the last couple of months of planting fresh grass in all the parks is very commendable indeed. The lush greenery in the parks now after so many years is such a soothing sight for everyone to behold!
The workforce of gardeners and RWA staff has been slogging under heat wave conditions and certainly needs to be applauded for their hard work to provide us with this Green Environment. Simultaneously, the work for provisioning the fancy lights is being carried out. Once these are fully functional, we will have the pleasure of well-lighted lush green Parks with beautiful Gazebos.
We need to be very thankful to several residents who over a year back very kindly donated Water bowser, Tractor, Tractor trolley garden implements, etc which have all come very handy in maintaining our Township. Our thanks also to residents who have taken the responsibility of keeping some of the parks with evergreen plants and seasonal flowers.
It now becomes our duty as responsible residents of our beautiful township to ensure that these Parks are well looked after by encouraging & assisting the gardeners to maintain these assets properly. To ensure that the renovated Parks do not become barren fields again, the Malibu Federation has very rightly decided that Football, Cricket and Cycling will NOT be allowed in these Parks. Also, pets are not to be taken for walks inside these Parks. The Parks can certainly be utilised for playing Badminton, Yoga, etc without spoiling the garden plantation.
During the work carried out for the grass plantation it was alarming to see several young students in some of the parks continuing to play football and cricket trampling over freshly planted grass. It was rare to see any parent of these children stopping them.
The children certainly need to be provided with designated areas for sporting activities. For this, a big sports field located opposite Pine Drive Park has been cleared and levelled very nicely. In addition, MTPRWA has earmarked some vacant plots and is getting them cleared for this purpose. Also, Central Park, which is the biggest Park in Malibu Towne provides this facility. Residents are requested to encourage their children to play Football and Cricket in these areas.
The safety of toddlers and senior citizens and ensuring no damage to moveable and immovable property must be ensured while participating in sporting activities. In the past, we have had incidents which resulted in serious injury to residents and damage to cars. The safety of children playing these games and running across the roads unmindful of the flowing traffic is of great concern. Please do not get into a euphoric mindset that accidents/incidents happen to someone else only, so why care?
All residents are requested to join hands and assist the gardeners and all RWA office bearers in maintaining the Green Environment in our beautiful township.
Best wishes to all residents. (Fellow Resident)

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