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Aravalli Exhibition at The Palms

Aravalli Exhibition at The Palms

The Aravalli Mountain Range is one of the oldest mountain ranges in the world, stretching across several states in India. The range is not only a source of pride for India but also plays a crucialrole in our lives. It is a source of water for millions of people and provides a habitat to several unique species of flora and fauna. However, despite its importance, the Aravallis are under threat due to human activity.

To spread awareness about the significance of the Aravallis and the threats faced by them, The Palms hosted a travelling exhibition of posters contributed by IAG and Aravalli Bachao. The exhibition aimed to sensitise people about the importance of preserving the Aravallis and the natural ecosystems they support.

The posters showcased the beauty of the Aravallis and the unique natural features that need to be preserved. The exhibition also highlighted the threats faced by the Aravallis, including deforestation, mining, urbanisation, and construction.

Members of the Aravalli Bachao team interacted with residents and shared their knowledge and expertise on the importance of preserving the Aravallis. They urged residents to take action and raise their voices against destructive activities that harm the environment.

The exhibition was a wake-up call for people to recognise the value of the Aravallis and the urgent need to preserve them. It is not just the government’s responsibility to protect the Aravallis; every citizen needs to take responsibility and contribute to their conservation.

If you are wondering what can you do to help protect the Aravallis, here are some ways:
Reduce, reuse and recycle: It will help generate less waste, reduce our environmental footprint and protect the Aravallis.

Support Sustainable development: Avoid companies that contribute to the degradation of Aravallis and support businesses, which follow sustainable practices.

Attend trail walks, runs, and cleaning drives that are frequently organized by local running groups and Aravalli Bachao.

Spread Awareness – Talk to your family, friends, and colleagues about the importance of Aravallis and the threat they face. Share information on social media and participate in local campaigns and spread awareness.

by Mekhla Brut (The Palm, 9982844990)
