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Aravali Walk & Cleanliness Drive
Sun City

Aravali Walk & Cleanliness Drive

The cleaning drive while walking inside the oldest range of Aravalli mountains was so much fun. Children and even adults got to learn about the various species of flora and fauna found in Aravalli. They got to see the Neel Gai, Peacock, Peahen, Porcupine fingerprints etc. The children were exited to pick up the garbage.

To add some fun, the volunteers aged 5 to 65, were divided into three groups. All three teams sincerely collected garbage. We all together collected The garbage was of all sorts: non-recyclable, recyclable and pooja waste material.

Group 1 waste collection – 63 KG

Group 2 waste collection – 32 KG

Group 3 waste collection – 32 KG

@RahulKhera83 “#BalancingBits” I thank you so much for supporting the initiative #MyEarthMyResponsibility.’

I request all of you out there not to litter wherever you like. Do not throw wrappers of chips, biscuits, old clothes, Pooja samagri, your home waste or anything that may choke the jungles, the saviours of Earth.

‘MyEarthMyResponsibility’ will keep on doing its bit. It will not be limited to Aravalli walks but plant trees too. We will work on awareness sessions in Gurgaon villages on waste segregation and hygiene. You all can be part of it and be a true hero to your loving earth.

If you like to join the group, just send ‘Hi’ to 9818247715.

For Senior Citizens the following Doctors are available in Emergencies

1. Dr.Razdan: 9540519494

( Available in Emergency )

2. Dr. Majumdar: 84130 17173

( Available in Emergency and require pick up)

(Available in non-emergency cases from 5 pm to 7 pm )

3. Dr. Anju: 9312400128

( Available only from 10 am till 10 pm )
