Vertical Living in high-rise societies is fast becoming the need of today’s urban living and specially in the fast growing new townships like Noida and Ghaziabad. AOAs have a special task, apart from their normal core responsibilities, is to build a sense of good community feeling among the residents.
Residents need to develop a sense of responsibility and discipline when living in condominiums. As a resident, it is our responsibility to make sure that other residents of the society are not put to inconvenience in any way whatsoever.
Basic points that need to be taken care of — Parking discipline inside societies, not to inconvenience others and directing guests to park their vehicles in the appropriate space. Sense of pet management and maintaining hygiene inside and outside societies is the responsibility of pet parent; this includes traveling in lifts along with pets and residents so that there is no inconvenience either to the pet or to the resident.
Sense of using common areas in the society and keeping it clean; conscious while using parks of societies like maintaining flowers, grass, etc.; hygiene while using community facilities like club house, swimming pools, etc.
Avoid loud music in apartments; also, need of avoiding maintenance activities that make noise and disturb neighbouring residents in non-permissible hours as defined by AOA. Owners should make sure to rent homes after proper police verification. Tenants too need to make sure that they follow all discipline as defined for the residents.
Special senior citizen forums should be promoted. Seniors can be felicitated on birthdays and anniversaries. They need to be felt as part of the community, with special care for seniors living alone with children abroad.
AOA can launch a drive “Know your Residents”. Larger societies have a big challenge. Residents who live in isolation, hardly know or interact with people living in their own societies, may not be a healthy sign for community living. Activities which enable more community livingshould be held.
With so much social media around it is also important to have decorum in written communication either over whatsapp or over email. Rude messaging can be disastrous in community living.
Drying clothes in balconies should not give a shabby look to the society. No modification outside apartment should be done which changes the facade of the building.
Costing can be regulated by AOAs for works like presswalas, car cleaners, domestic helps, raddi waalas etc.
Building SOPs on the above guidelines will help AOAs improve quality of life for the residents.
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