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ANRWA Organizes Senior Citizen Lunch
Anand Niketan

ANRWA Organizes Senior Citizen Lunch

SNRWA organised a senior citizen lunch in the club premises on May 26 afternoon. The seniors participated in the function with gusto. The seniors reached the venue well in advance in anticipation of the function that was to take place. Many young children paid homage to their grandparents, dada-dadi, nana-nani by performing for them beautifully.

Many senior citizens gave elaborate and beautiful performances on the occasion. They sang beautiful songs and participated with enthusiasm in all the games that included knotting the ribbons, making wicks out of cotton quickly as well as a very innovative game involving rubber bands. Many seniors won prizes and enjoyed themselves to the hilt.

There after the seniors were served a lunch that included noodles, manchurian, amritsari kulche paraathe, chhole – all the finger looking foods that the seniors are generally told to keep away from. However on this occasion they were all allowed to let go and enjoy themselves. Ice cream was the icing on the cake.
