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Another Jewel Of GPM – Namita Sood
Green Park Main & Ext.

Another Jewel Of GPM – Namita Sood

This is a continuation of my last month’s  vow to search for female jewels of Green Park. The process is hard and difficult, not necessarily the women whom you are pursuing for their profile will definitely agree to your proposal. It may be their humility or superiority, but this definitely prolongs my pursuit for a reliable jewel. Whatever the case I cannot shirk from my-self imposed responsibilities.

This time I was able to persuade Namita Sood of Team RWA to be my quest target. I am happy to announce her concurrence to my game. Please note it is not my game only, it has to be a collective effort, so if any suggestions please come forward.

I met Namita through the RWA complaint section to address a problem with a pole light near my house. Encouraged by Namita Ji’s positive response, I also spoke to her regarding my verbal complaint followed by written notes. In Spite of repeated complaints to concerned authorities it was not rectified. After speaking to her, my problem was solved and action was taken.

Being a stranger we came closer and I found Namita to be a strong and confident personality with a positive frame of mind. A very ‘to the point person, promises to attend to unlimited complaints, takes immediate action to solve the problem. In my case I was lucky for the positive solution also.

In an informal conversation I told her that these days I am searching for female jewels of Green Park and if she could introduce me some such jewel who is worth being brought to the light from other residents of Green Park Main.  Meanwhile I got to know that Namita has some dreams and goals for creating awareness amongst people about uses of kitchen waste, garden waste, climate/environmental change etc to save us from the great catastrophe knocking at our door.

The great quality in her is that she does not try to amass laurels for herself. The eye is always on the goal. Hopefully we will continue to get her messages for the betterment of the colony, city country and the world over. In a separate article My dream, my chahat, my goal…in our September issue read Namita’s take on the environmental crisis today and the way forward.
