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Annual General Meeting of Anand Lok Residents Association
Gulmohar Park

Annual General Meeting of Anand Lok Residents Association

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Anand Lok Residents Association was held on May 12, 2024, at 10:00 AM at the Dharam Vira Community Center. The meeting was a significant event, bringing together residents to discuss key issues and future plans for the community.

The meeting commenced with the presentation and approval of the annual report. This report detailed the activities, achievements and challenges faced by the Association over the past year, highlighting the community’s progress and areas for improvement.

The second item on the agenda was the consideration and approval of the audited accounts for the period from April 1st, 2023, to March 31st, 2024. The treasurer presented a comprehensive overview of the financial health of the Association, ensuring transparency and accountability in financial management.

A key highlight of the AGM was the election of the Managing Committee for the financial year 2024-25. The members were elected unopposed, reflecting a strong consensus and support from the community. Ms. Mira Shiv Ram was elected as the new President,  bringing with her a wealth of experience and a fresh vision for the community. The list of other executive members includes Mr Samrat Yadav as Vice President, Mr Vinod Gupta as Secretary and Mr C.R  Rai as Treasurer.

The outgoing President introduced the new Managing Committee members, expressing confidence in their ability to lead the Association effectively. The new team includes dedicated individuals committed to enhancing the quality of life in Anand Lok.

The AGM was a productive session, fostering a spirit of collaboration and mutual respect among residents. With the new leadership in place, the Anand Lok Residents Association is poised for another successful year, focusing on community development and well-being.

Residents are encouraged to stay engaged and support the initiatives undertaken by the new committee to continue making Anand Lok a vibrant and cohesive community.
