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Annual General Meeting At Silver Oaks

Annual General Meeting At Silver Oaks

An Annual General Meeting was held on the 13th of August in Silver Oaks. All the Board members and many residents attended it. Malti Sawhney, the Secretary, welcomed everyone and then handed over charge to President Gulshan Sharma, who enumerated the welfare and development works done by his team in the past 3 years like the painting of the complex, which was done after about 10 years. Changing pavers, roof repairs and repair of domes on stairs etc. were done out of the funds taken out from the regular maintenance that residents pay and they were not burdened by any extra demands for money. Mr. Sharma explained that this became possible due to savings done by curtailing unnecessary and unproductive expenditures. He also mentioned the projects in the pipe line which include boom barriers at the gates and lifts from the basement parking to the surface. Talks are at an advanced stage for these.

 Then the Treasurer Rakesh Sood spoke about the clean and unblemished balance sheet the present Board was able to present to the residents. The auditors also passed it as an unqualified document.

 A few members did try to raise some objections but these were patiently clarified by the President and the Treasurer. As the meeting came to an end, people congratulated the Board members on their hard work, integrity and clarity of thought.
