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Animal Farm

The incidence that occurred in AMU, where a few hungry strays mauled a 77 years old professor, shocked the whole community, some even were agitated as to take care of the strays with not
only a bowl of clean water but food and taking care of their health to receive in return …Tax payers were agitated!

All were asking about the interference of the government except making the rule as no respite from such incidences, was seen on the horizon. The government has asked the states and other governing bodies to apply the ABC rule of 2023 that states that all strays should be sterilized and immunized by the local municipalities and the concerning civic bodies, which suspends the Animal Birth Control rule of 2001 that had only viable dog population under management mechanism but the implementation was scanty and monitoring was amiss. The concerned authorities opine that sterilization would be beneficial for strays as well, as it reduces the aggression, which a she dog shows to protect its lair and male dogs have fights with others for the territories. Hope this would strike a chord between the residents and the strays and proves fruitful in future.

On a lighter note, the monkeys’ new feat is to take a dip into water storage tanks on the roof, to beat the summer heat! How deftly they remove the lid of the tanks and have fun on the residents’ cost is unforeseen exploit of theirs.
