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An Introduction to Adeniums a Less Known Plant
Vasant Kunj

An Introduction to Adeniums a Less Known Plant

For Plant Lovers/Garden Hobbyists

Adenium is a genus of flowering plants. It is a native to Africa and Arabian Peninsula. The plant is also known as Desert Roses with two distinct varieties ie. (1) Adenium Obessum and (2) Adenium Arabicum. It is a house plant of temperate and tropical regions. Numerous hybrids have been developed and they are appreciated for their colorful flowers like roses and caudices. It is a plant which can live up to hundreds of years.

We the residents of Vasant Kunj living in flats with limited space and scarcity of water can specially take up this plant to grow in our balconies and have colorful environment around us. Also, even if you are out of town for a week or so the plant will survive the summer heat without water as they are succulents and store water in their caudex.

Winter is the time when we have all types of flowers to decorate our balconies or whatever little space that we have. It’s only after March that we need to have something to fill the gap and it’s here that Adeniums take over which flowers from March to October end to brighten up our balconies. Once November starts the plant starts undergoing hibernation and it continues till February end when the water has to be completely stopped for three months. This is the time you have all types of winter plant. The Adeniums will automatically start sprouting by the time March starts and it’s the time to say Bye Bye to winter seasonal plants and welcome the Adeniums thereby providing flowers all year around.

The plants are mainly grown in Kolkata and in South commercially and are supplied on line at reasonable price. The plants in Delhi are very expensive and in limited choice of colors.

The article is just to provide a glimpse on Adeniums to plant lovers. Should anyone have any further queries or wants to see the various colors and varieties can be provided with photos and videos of the plants that I have.

Disclaimer: I am not an expert but a hobbyist and whatever little knowledge that I acquired have tried to put in words.
