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Defence Colony

An Initiative Towards Senior Citizens of Defence Colony

As part of this Colony, I have lived amongst you for over four decades, and grown from a youngster to a Senior Citizen, and now honored to be your RWA A-Block President. During my years here, have seen many turn Grey-haired and the ones with Grey hair turn Silver-White!

As we age, our energies diminish, sometimes we feel low, medical issues crop up. Our children get busier, planning their lives, their vocations, or start living away from us, sometimes overseas. This results in the Senior/ Super Senior Citizens getting into their sunset years, often feeling neglected. This may lead to anxiety, or even feel unwanted. Such experiences can push many Seniors into a state of depression despondency …. Loneliness is a silent killer and in Seniors especially, this can become the root cause of many medical ailments.

I personally know many members of our A-Block resident community who are living alone. Some have an attendant; others have no caregivers. Sadly, many suffer from severe handicaps to the extent that they can barely manage their food or reach out to someone trustworthy in an emergency. I am aware that some scamsters, and undesirable elements are exploiting our Seniors who are vulnerable. The scamsters have an eye on their valuables and are extremely dangerous.

Our “Seniors Special Initiative” addresses precisely this vulnerability of our Senior / Super Senior Residents. As your RWA President A-Block, I am personally concerned that we should make efforts to address these issues. Our objective is to work actively with all of you under the aegis of the Senior Citizens Forum (SCF).

The SCF is recognised by the Govt of NCT of Delhi and is the only official body for such purposes. I am happy to share the following:

•  SCF is functional at our JCO Club A Block.

• The Chairperson is Harjit Kaur Bawa.

• We will work closely with the SHO Defence Colony to ensure that we can assist our Seniors to feel safe and secure.

• We have visualised an Action Plan to bring our Senior Citizens into a well-knit Helpage Programme.

• A dedicated Landline # +911145586785 will be functional round the clock 24X7.

• This telephone line will be manned by the SCF during its Office hours. After Office hours of SCF, the number will be attended by Security Supervisor of the RWA A Block round the clock!

• Any Emergency faced by a Senior Citizen when he / she is alone and has none other to connect to, will be conveyed to a team (to be constituted) for prompt action.

• If it’s a lady in distress the Emergency Team will ensure that a Lady member accompanies the Team.

• I am happy to share that for such assistance for Senior Citizens we have already received Resident Volunteers (5 each Gents and Ladies).

• We request Residents to come forward and help the SCF in identifying such Senior Citizens who may need to be spoken to, chatted with or assisted in case of any need.

Please note:

This special Initiative is in its formative stage. Once launched we will fine-tune and every suggestion to better it would be welcome.

Although these are our early musings, we are determined in our intentions and with your support, I am confident that our ideas will see the light of the day and bear fruition.

I believe that if we Residents form a chain to help our Neighbours, we will not only serve an important need in our Society but will create a Colony where Safety and Wellness prevail.

As always, Thank you for your Support!
