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An Expensive “Apple i13 Promax” Mobile Recovered Within Two Hours
Greater Kailash 1

An Expensive “Apple i13 Promax” Mobile Recovered Within Two Hours

Sanjiv Malhotra (S 156) was a worried man, when he called me up at around 10.45 am on 7 June, informing that he dropped off, his Mobile near his home & now it is switched off. He wanted
my advice in the matter. I requested him to file an FIR immediately along with the IMEI code. He did not have that. Any way, he went to the police station, met our SHO, Ajit Kumar, who deputed SI Parveen Kumar to immediately rush to S Block.

In the meantime, when he was at the Police station, he informed me that Mrs Mehta his neighbor, living in a house opposite to his, S 273, has retrieved video footage showing the Mobile, falling from his pocket & being picked up by a passing maid.

He immediately fwd. the footage to me.

I immediately took screen shots of the girl, picking up the phone & circulated these along with the video at 11.22 am, in groups having 550 members & to our two security guards, Paras Kumar & Mangal Singh, asking them to fan out in the park & show the photos to several maids, who normally are in the park.

Within a few minutes, a guard recognized her as Reena, working in S 146. He also provided her Mobile No, which in any case was switched off.

In the meantime, our SBWS guards located her near the Mandir in the park. Our beat officer was informed. She was brought to Mr. Malhotra’s house & phone was handed back to him at 12.20 p.m.

Our beat officer gave her a lot of scolding, that why did she switch off the phone, after picking it up.

Anyway, the end result was good. Mr. Malhotra got back his expensive phone. He rewarded both the guards & MC of SBWS also gave cash awards.

ASI Parveen Kumar has assured me as below- “Sir, next event mein dono guards ko reward aur certificate milega Sir”

Thnx. SHO Sir & ASI Parveen Kumar for a very prompt action. Special Mrs Mehta for sharing the video footage.

by MK Gupta- President SBWS
