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An Evening at the DCWA Club with The Comedy King Surendra Sharma
Defence Colony

An Evening at the DCWA Club with The Comedy King Surendra Sharma

Renowned comedian Surendra Sharma drew in a packed audience at the C block Club to a humour filled   performance laced with philosophic gyan, an evening well enjoyed by club members and their guests. The evening was attended by MLA Madan Lal and Sandeep Baisoya and Addl Commissioner Amit Kumar. The Club President Veena Khanna, hgs Vippin Bhasin the AC team all deserve a special mention along with Dr Mridula Tandon.

I reproduce a report of the evening by a club member attendee at the event:

A House Full?

The place was bursting at the seams. Never before have I witnessed such a mammoth gathering at the club.

Veena ji and Vippan ji were seen running around to accommodate all the audience and to make them comfortable.

They, along with their team, certainly deserve a pat on the back.

Surendra Sharma, like always, left the audience in splits. I would not call it a comedy night.

He may be termed as a comedian of yester years (I always considered him a poet of gkL; jl poetry for fun.)

He, like wine, seems to have matured with age to give philosophical/ moral sermons which are palatable for his audiences in a humorous way.

All said and done, it was a very enjoyable and entertaining evening. I am sure he has touched a chord deep down and all have gone home with a refresher course on how to live life in family and society.

Let us hope we have such entertaining programmes more often.

On the flip side we have to look into how we cater to provide efficient food and bar service during such gatherings.

Lastly, a big Thank You to our club team.
